Paragraph 1: History of Blogging
- First blog/blog cite
- First blogging cite created
- WordPress, Technorati
Paragraph 2: Types of Blogs
- Blog content
- Fashion, technology, personal…
- Different available cites to create accounts and blog from
Paragraph 3: Metamorphosis of the meaning of blogging
- Blogs changing in the way the reach the public and the forms that they come in change from words to pictures to videos
Paragraph 4: Influence of Blogs on professional Journalism
- Newsweek vs. Drudge Report
- Huffington Post
Paragraph 5: Opinion and Bias vs. factual journalism
- If anyone can take images and text and upload them to a log, is this news?
- Societies reliance on blogs
- Negative or positive?
Paragraph 6: Major influences within the blogging world
- Techcrunch, Perez Hilton, Huffington Post, etc.
Paragraph 7: The future of blogging
- Growth of Quora
- Social media and blogs
Paragraph 8: Conclusion
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