Tuesday, March 4, 2014


According the article from The New York Times, “ Just three years after being introduced in China, Weixin has nearly 300 million users – A faster adoption rate than Facebook or Twitter –giving the app a dominant position in what is now the world’s biggest smartphone market”( Barboze ,2014, Jan, 21). As the article said, not only Wexin (Wechat) has a rapid development, but the social networks of China also developed rapidly. From Dictionary, “ A network of social interactions and personal relationships”. It can be a website or an application that people use it to know about or communicate with other people by sending messages, posting photos or slogans, sending voice messages or video, and sharing the information. Wexin was a delegation of them. Of course, in the process of the development of social networks, Chinese programmer had studied more knowledge and experience from American productions like twitter and Facebook, and then they have recreated the new technology in China. Thus, social networks seem like the same in these two countries, but are totally different. The main differences of social networks between in China and in the U.S are purpose, operation pattern, and profitability ways.

Barboze,D.(2014, Jan.21).A popular Chinese social networking App blazes its own path. The New York Times. Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/21/technology/a-chinese-social-network-blazes-its-own-path.html?_r=1
1.     Introduction
A.   Background of Information
1.         Definition of globalization
2.         Relationship of social networks between in China and in the U.S.
3.         Thesis Statement
2.     Differences of purpose
3.     Differences of operation pattern
4.     Differences of profitability ways.
3.     Conclusion
5.     References

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