Thursday, March 6, 2014

Emma's Mid Point Update

Introduction Paragraph:
Natasha Bedingfield once said, “The music technology scene is changing so fast it’s hard to keep up,” and she is quite right. Our music has advanced so much in just a decade; we went from cassettes and CDs to having thousands of songs on one device. Technology and media today affects our music industry today because as we go through time this concept is evolving, from buying CDs to illegally downloading music and having applications for devices to support the music you listen to. Not only is the music industry developing but the music itself is developing too, the way it is written based on how we as a society is effected by media, and also the way we create music, becoming more “techno.” Our technology and media has been impacting the way our music is listened to and interpreted.


Introduction paragraph (1)
            Thesis statement

Illegal/piracy (1)
            Free downloaders
            How it effects music artists and the record labels

Free music applications (2)
            iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, YouTube

Evolution of music devices (1)
            Sound box to jukebox to radios to records to CDs to iTunes

What music is becoming (1)
            From acoustic to DJs

The concept of lyrics (1)
            Media effecting music
            How music affects their audiences
            Popularity and concepts of important

Conclusion (1)

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