Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kim MacPhail: Midpoint Update/Outline

 When we here the word blog, we used to always immediately think “personal diary”. Now, blogs have taken he diary theme and molded and expanded it into this domain of opportunity within the media. Blogs are now a fundamental part of the online web. Today, the term blog means much more than just a place where people write about their lives. It is a world of amateur journalism and partisanship that has embraced thousands of new forms in both content and context. Bloggers have turned a simple act of writing into foundations for media powerhouses, but the essential question of “if anyone can take text and images and upload them to a blog, is this news” still remains. Even with some of its negative implications on professional journalism, blogs are positive outlets of creativity that have changed the world of journalism by creating amateur writers into influential forces within the United States.

Paragraph 1: History of Blogging
  • First blog/blog cite 
    • Links.net
    •    First blogging cite created
    •  WordPress, Technorati

Paragraph 2: Types of Blogs
  • Blog content
    • Fashion, technology, personal…
  • Different available cites to create accounts and blog from

Paragraph 3: Metamorphosis of the meaning of blogging
  •        Blogs changing in the way the reach the public and the forms that they come in change from words to pictures to videos

Paragraph 4: Influence of Blogs on professional Journalism
  •           Newsweek vs. Drudge Report
  •         Huffington Post

Paragraph 5: Opinion and Bias vs. factual journalism
  •               If anyone can take images and text and upload them to a log, is this news?
  •        Societies reliance on blogs
    •           Negative or positive?

Paragraph 6: Major influences within the blogging world
  •   Techcrunch, Perez Hilton, Huffington Post, etc.

Paragraph 7: The future of blogging
  • Growth of Quora
  • Social media and blogs

Paragraph 8: Conclusion


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